W Wrapl, The Programming Language





Nil : T


GetType() : Gtk.GObject.Type.T

New(targets @ Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T, ntargets @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Gtk.Gtk.TargetList.T

Creates a new T from an array of Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T.

targets Pointer to an array of Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T. [array length=ntargets]
ntargets number of entries in targets.
Returns the new T. [transfer full]


:"="(_ @ T, _ @ T)

:Add(self @ T, target @ Gtk.Gdk.Atom.T, flags @ Std.Integer.SmallT, info @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T

Appends another target to a T.

list a T
target the interned atom representing the target
flags the flags for this target
info an ID that will be passed back to the application

:AddImageTargets(self @ T, info @ Std.Integer.SmallT, writable @ Std.Symbol.T) : Std.Object.T

Appends the image targets supported by GtkSelection to the target list. All targets are added with the same info.

list a T
info an ID that will be passed back to the application
writable whether to add only targets for which GTK+ knows how to convert a pixbuf into the format

:AddRichTextTargets(self @ T, info @ Std.Integer.SmallT, deserializable @ Std.Symbol.T, buffer @ Gtk.Gtk.TextBuffer.T) : Std.Object.T

Appends the rich text targets registered with Gtk.Gtk.TextBuffer.RegisterSerializeFormat or Gtk.Gtk.TextBuffer.RegisterDeserializeFormat to the target list. All targets are added with the same info.

list a T
info an ID that will be passed back to the application
deserializable if TRUE, then deserializable rich text formats will be added, serializable formats otherwise.
buffer a Gtk.Gtk.TextBuffer.T.

:AddTable(self @ T, targets @ Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T, ntargets @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T

Prepends a table of Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T to a target list.

list a T
targets the table of Gtk.Gtk.TargetEntry.T. [array length=ntargets]
ntargets number of targets in the table

:AddTextTargets(self @ T, info @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T

Appends the text targets supported by GtkSelection to the target list. All targets are added with the same info.

list a T
info an ID that will be passed back to the application

:AddUriTargets(self @ T, info @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T

Appends the URI targets supported by GtkSelection to the target list. All targets are added with the same info.

list a T
info an ID that will be passed back to the application

:Find(self @ T, target @ Gtk.Gdk.Atom.T, info @ Std.Object.T) : Std.Symbol.T

Looks up a given target in a T.

list a T
target an interned atom representing the target to search for
info a pointer to the location to store application info for target, or NULL
Returns TRUE if the target was found, otherwise FALSE

:List(self @ T) : Std.Object.T

:Ref(self @ T) : Gtk.Gtk.TargetList.T

Increases the reference count of a T by one.

list a T
Returns the passed in T.

:RefCount(self @ T) : Std.Integer.SmallT

:Remove(self @ T, target @ Gtk.Gdk.Atom.T) : Std.Object.T

Removes a target from a target list.

list a T
target the interned atom representing the target

:Unref(self @ T) : Std.Object.T

Decreases the reference count of a T by one. If the resulting reference count is zero, frees the list.

list a T

:setList(self @ T, value @ Std.Object.T) : Std.Object.T

:setRefCount(self @ T, value @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Integer.SmallT

:"~="(_ @ T, _ @ T)