W Wrapl, The Programming Language





Nil : T


New() : Gtk.Gdk.Region.T

Creates a new empty T.

Returns a new empty T

Polygon(points @ Gtk.Gdk.Point.T, n_points @ Std.Integer.SmallT, fill_rule @ Gtk.Gdk.FillRule.T) : Gtk.Gdk.Region.T


Polygon has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement. For working with paths, please use Cairo.

Rectangle(rectangle @ Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T) : Gtk.Gdk.Region.T

Creates a new region containing the area rectangle.

rectangle a Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T
Returns a new region


:"="(_ @ T, _ @ T)

:Copy(self @ T) : Gtk.Gdk.Region.T

Copies region, creating an identical new region.

region a T
Returns a new region identical to region

:Destroy(self @ T) : Std.Object.T

Destroys a T.

region a T

:Empty(self @ T) : Std.Symbol.T

Finds out if the T is empty.

region a T
Returns TRUE if region is empty.

:Equal(self @ T, region2 @ Gtk.Gdk.Region.T) : Std.Symbol.T

Finds out if the two regions are the same.

region1 a T
region2 a T
Returns TRUE if region1 and region2 are equal.

:GetClipbox(self @ T, rectangle @ Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T) : Std.Object.T

Obtains the smallest rectangle which includes the entire T.

region a T
rectangle return location for the clipbox

:GetRectangles(self @ T, rectangles @ Std.Object.T, n_rectangles @ Std.Object.T) : Std.Object.T

Obtains the area covered by the region as a list of rectangles. The array returned in rectangles must be freed with g_free().

region a T
rectangles return location for an array of rectangles. [array length=n_rectangles][transfer container]
n_rectangles length of returned array

:Intersect(self @ T, source2 @ Gtk.Gdk.Region.T) : Std.Object.T

Sets the area of source1 to the intersection of the areas of source1 and source2. The resulting area is the set of pixels contained in both source1 and source2.

source1 a T
source2 another T

:Offset(self @ T, dx @ Std.Integer.SmallT, dy @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T

Moves a region the specified distance.

region a T
dx the distance to move the region horizontally
dy the distance to move the region vertically

:PointIn(self @ T, x @ Std.Integer.SmallT, y @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Symbol.T

Finds out if a point is in a region.

region a T
x the x coordinate of a point
y the y coordinate of a point
Returns TRUE if the point is in region.

:RectEqual(self @ T, rectangle @ Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T) : Std.Symbol.T


RectEqual has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gdk_region_new_rect() and Equal to achieve the same effect.

:RectIn(self @ T, rectangle @ Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T) : Gtk.Gdk.OverlapType.T

Tests whether a rectangle is within a region.

region a T.
rectangle a Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T.
Returns Gtk.Gdk.OverlapType.In, Gtk.Gdk.OverlapType.Out, or Gtk.Gdk.OverlapType.Part, depending on whether the rectangle is inside, outside, or partly inside the T, respectively.

:Shrink(self @ T, dx @ Std.Integer.SmallT, dy @ Std.Integer.SmallT) : Std.Object.T


Shrink has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement for this function.

:SpansIntersectForeach(self @ T, spans @ Gtk.Gdk.Span.T, n_spans @ Std.Integer.SmallT, sorted @ Std.Symbol.T, function @ Std.Function.T, data @ Std.Address.T) : Std.Object.T


SpansIntersectForeach has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement.

:Subtract(self @ T, source2 @ Gtk.Gdk.Region.T) : Std.Object.T

Subtracts the area of source2 from the area source1. The resulting area is the set of pixels contained in source1 but not in source2.

source1 a T
source2 another T

:Union(self @ T, source2 @ Gtk.Gdk.Region.T) : Std.Object.T

Sets the area of source1 to the union of the areas of source1 and source2. The resulting area is the set of pixels contained in either source1 or source2.

source1 a T
source2 a T

:UnionWithRect(self @ T, rect @ Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T) : Std.Object.T

Sets the area of region to the union of the areas of region and rect. The resulting area is the set of pixels contained in either region or rect.

region a T.
rect a Gtk.Gdk.Rectangle.T.

:Xor(self @ T, source2 @ Gtk.Gdk.Region.T) : Std.Object.T

Sets the area of source1 to the exclusive-OR of the areas of source1 and source2. The resulting area is the set of pixels contained in one or the other of the two sources but not in both.

source1 a T
source2 another T

:"~="(_ @ T, _ @ T)