W Wrapl, The Programming Language




Inherits from:

Support for proxied Gtk.Gio.GInetSocketAddress.T.


Nil : T


GetType() : Gtk.GObject.Type.T

New(inetaddr @ Gtk.Gio.GInetAddress.T, port @ Std.Integer.SmallT, protocol @ Std.String.T, dest_hostname @ Std.String.T, dest_port @ Std.Integer.SmallT, username @ Std.String.T, password @ Std.String.T) : Gtk.Gio.GProxyAddress.T

Creates a new T for inetaddr with protocol that should tunnel through dest_hostname and dest_port.

inetaddr The proxy server Gtk.Gio.GInetAddress.T.
port The proxy server port.
protocol The proxy protocol to support, in lower case (e.g. socks, http).
dest_hostname The destination hostname the the proxy should tunnel to.
dest_port The destination port to tunnel to.
username The username to authenticate to the proxy server (or NULL). [allow-none]
password The password to authenticate to the proxy server (or NULL). [allow-none]
Returns a new T


:GetDestinationHostname(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets proxy's destination hostname.

proxy a T
Returns the proxy's destination hostname

:GetDestinationPort(self @ T) : Std.Integer.SmallT

Gets proxy's destination port.

proxy a T
Returns the proxy's destination port

:GetPassword(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets proxy's password.

proxy a T
Returns the proxy's password

:GetProtocol(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets proxy's protocol.

proxy a T
Returns the proxy's protocol

:GetUsername(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets proxy's username.

proxy a T
Returns the proxy's username

:Priv(self @ T) : Std.Object.T

:setPriv(self @ T, value @ Std.Object.T) : Std.Object.T