W Wrapl, The Programming Language




Inherits from:

Like Gtk.Gio.GNetworkAddress.T does with hostnames, T provides an easy way to resolve a SRV record, and then attempt to connect to one of the hosts that implements that service, handling service priority/weighting, multiple IP addresses, and multiple address families.

See Gtk.Gio.GSrvTarget.T for more information about SRV records, and see Gtk.Gio.GSocketConnectable.T for and example of using the connectable interface.


Nil : T


GetType() : Gtk.GObject.Type.T

New(service @ Std.String.T, protocol @ Std.String.T, domain @ Std.String.T) : Gtk.Gio.GNetworkService.T

Creates a new T representing the given service, protocol, and domain. This will initially be unresolved; use the Gtk.Gio.GSocketConnectable.T interface to resolve it.

service the service type to look up (eg, "ldap")
protocol the networking protocol to use for service (eg, "tcp")
domain the DNS domain to look up the service in
Returns a new T. [transfer full]


:GetDomain(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets the domain that srv serves. This might be either UTF-8 or ASCII-encoded, depending on what srv was created with.

srv a T
Returns srv's domain name

:GetProtocol(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets srv's protocol name (eg, "tcp").

srv a T
Returns srv's protocol name

:GetScheme(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Get's the URI scheme used to resolve proxies. By default, the service name is used as scheme.

srv a T
Returns srv's scheme name

:GetService(self @ T) : Std.String.T

Gets srv's service name (eg, "ldap").

srv a T
Returns srv's service name

:Priv(self @ T) : Std.Object.T

:SetScheme(self @ T, scheme @ Std.String.T) : Std.Object.T

Set's the URI scheme used to resolve proxies. By default, the service name is used as scheme.

srv a T
scheme a URI scheme

:setPriv(self @ T, value @ Std.Object.T) : Std.Object.T